Interface IPlaybackControl
type IPlaybackControl = interface(IPlaylist)
No description available, ancestor IPlaylist description follows
No description available, ancestor ISerializableList description follows
No description available, ancestor IObservableList description follows
No description available, ancestor IBaseList description follows
No description available, ancestor ISerializable description follows
No description available, ancestor IUpdateObject description follows
No description available, ancestor IObservable description follows
—————————————————————————– Base Interfaces —————————————————————————–
- GUID['{8532953B-320D-418B-A447-AC95DFAC368B}']
- GUID['{4C481E54-568A-46B4-BAAA-C0071932FDCF}']
- GUID['{DF9B1F9D-09D1-4790-BC9E-D299A578B71A}']
- GUID['{B8EEB016-F9C8-4F8A-8175-A55202865C00}']
- GUID['{E9CE75BB-0A06-4CF6-B03F-CF9D7FFA642B}']
- GUID['{A84FE685-6D72-4429-948C-CDB6691CFC15}']
- GUID['{080ABDEE-191D-4702-9A5E-C4BFE8EA815F}']
- GUID['{321C3BC2-1FBC-4326-B55A-51BA6E04B136}']
function GetIndex: integer; |
*—————————————————————————— Returns the index of this PlaybackControl object within the mAirList system.
The index, where 0 is the first PlaybackControl object. |
function GetPlayerCount: integer; |
*—————————————————————————— Returns the number of players associated with this PlaybackControl object.
The number of players. |
function GetPlayer(iIndex: integer): IPlaylistPlayerControl; |
*—————————————————————————— Returns a player control object.
- iIndex
- The number of the player to retrieve.
The player control object. |
function GetPlayerOfItem(iItem: IPlaylistItem): integer; |
*—————————————————————————— Returns the player control object in which a specific item is loaded.
or -1 if the item was not found. ——————————————————————————-
- iItem
- The item to look for.
The player object in which the item is loaded, |
function IsPlaying: boolean; |
function PlayerAutoLoad(iPlayer: integer; iAsync: boolean): boolean; |
*—————————————————————————— Loads a player with the next available, unused item. The player must be empty.
loading takes place in the background. GetStatus will be psLoading until loading has finished. Note that when using asynchronous loading, the player might still fail to load (GetState=psError), even if this function returned true. ——————————————————————————-
- iPlayer
- The player number.
- iAsync
- If set to true, the function returns immediately, and
Returns false if loading was successful, false if not. |
procedure AssistNext; |
*—————————————————————————— Just like AutomationNext, but for assist mode: Fade out all active players and start the next item (which must be loaded already). ——————————————————————————-
procedure AutomationJump(iItem: IPlaylistItem); |
*—————————————————————————— Jumps to a specific item.
- iItem
- The item, which must be inside the current playlist.
procedure AutomationJumpSoft(iItem: IPlaylistItem); |
*—————————————————————————— Marks all items before the specified one as played, so that iItem will be played next. ——————————————————————————-
procedure AutomationBreak; |
*—————————————————————————— Stops automation after the current item. ——————————————————————————-
procedure SwapPlayers(iPlayer1, iPlayer2: integer); |
*—————————————————————————— Swaps the items loaded in the specified players. Neither player may be in state PS_PLAYING.
- iPlayer1
- The first player.
- iPlayer2
- The second player.
procedure PlayItemDetached(iItem: IPlaylistItem; iDevices: TPlaybackDeviceSet); |
*—————————————————————————— Start playback of an item on the given device, without caring for it thereafter. This function can be used to play items independent from the actual players.
To create a file playlist item on the fly, use the CreatePlaylistItemFromFile method.
The audio device can be grabbed from one of the players, for example by CurrentPlaybackControl.GetPlayer(0).GetOutputDevice, or you can use the BuildAudioDevice function to create one.
- iItem
- The item to play.
- iDevice
- The audio device to play to.
- iRegionDevices
- The audio devices for regional content.
procedure ReleaseBackgroundSources; |
function GetMaxHistoryCount: integer; |
procedure SetMaxHistoryCount(iValue: integer); |
function GetNextIndex: integer; |
*—————————————————————————— Determines the index of the item which will be played next. If one of the players is marked as IsNext, the result of this function corresponds to the index of that player's items. If all players are active, the result will be the index of the "downmost" player plus one. If no players are loaded, the result will correspond to GetPlayer.GetHistoryCount. ——————————————————————————-
procedure GetItemPlaybackState(iIndex: integer; var oState: TPlaybackState; var oPlayerIndex: integer; var oPosition: TTimeValue); |
function GetAutomation: boolean; |
procedure SetAutomation(iValue: boolean); |
function GetAutomationPlaying: boolean; |
procedure AutomationPlay; |
procedure AutomationStop; |
procedure AutomationNext; |
procedure AutomationForceNext; |
function GetCurrentPlaylistFilename: string; |
procedure ContentNew; |
procedure ContentLoadDefault; |
procedure ContentSave; |
procedure ContentSaveDefault; |
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